

Gazania rigens

Gazania (Gazania hybrids) also known as Treasure Flower or African Daisy is a clump forming perennial. It is part of the Asteraceae or daisy family and is native to South Africa.

They readily establish in sand dunes and can dramatically alter the natural environment by stealing nutrients and moisture from native plants. By doing this, they take over, reducing biodiversity, which ultimately impacts our local plants and animals.

Gazania is grown in gardens throughout South Australia. Wild populations are widespread and common in coastal areas near former plantings from the west coast to the lower Limestone Coast, and also inland mainly in Mallee areas. Recorded from all regions except Alinytjara Wilurara

Spray FireHawk Bioherbicide Concentrate: 50 mL/L of water. Respray when regrowth occurs from roots and/or runners. May require repeated application to obtain long-term weed control.



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