

Dittrichia graveolens

Stinkweed (Dittrichia graveolens) is a short-lived herbaceous plant with upright and much-branched stems growing up to 1 m tall. It forms a basal rosette of leaves at first. Its long and narrow leaves are stalkless with finely toothed or entire margins. Its stems, leaves and young flower-heads are covered in sticky hairs. Its small yellow flower-heads (7-10 mm long) have several small 'petals'. Its small 'seeds' (about 2 mm long) are topped with a ring of hairs or bristles (3-4 mm long). Plants give off a strong, unpleasant odour when crushed. Other common names: Camphor inula, Cape khakiweed, Stinking fleabane, Stinkwort.

Although reported as toxic and poisonous to livestock, little evidence exists that it is toxic, although oxalate poisoning has been reported when it is grazed, and fishermen in southern Italy reportedly use the macerated leaves to stun fish. Grazing animals appear to find Stinkwort fairly unpalatable, eating the plant only when it is very young, when little else is available. The oil also taints meat and milk of animals forced to graze the plant (Mitchell & Rook 1979; Parsons & Cuthbertson 2001; Flora of North America undated). Discolours wool but it comes out during scouring.

Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) is widespread and common in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and southwest Western Australia. There are also limited patches in the Australian Capital Territory and southeast Queensland, where It is only found in cooler south-east areas particularly near Stanthorpe, and there a single collection from the Northern Territory where is it listed as questionably naturalised (Parsons & Cuthbertson 2001; APC 2021; AVH 2021).

Spray FireHawk Bioherbicide Concentrate: 50 mL/L of water. Respray if required

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