Lycium ferocissimum Miers
African boxthorn, Lycium ferocissimum Miers, also know as Boxthorn, is a rounded, woody, densely branched and very thorny large shrub up to 5 metres high. It reproduces by seed.
African Boxthorn can spread quickly if left unchecked. Having established it can rapidly form impenetrable, spiny thickets reducing stock movement and also the land available for pasture. Since birds are often the dispersing agent, infestations are commonly found around the base of taller trees. The fruit of African Boxthorn is a breeding ground for insect pests such as fruit fly, dried fruit beetles and tomato fly (Land Protection 2006). The taproot of the weed must be removed for control purposes otherwise it may produce re-growth, or if it is killed, it may still remain a hazard to stock and tyres because of its hardness and persistence (Land Protection 2006). The plant becomes a nuisance along fences, creeks, and around dams and leaking troughs where it blocks passage along roads and prevents stock access to watering points. Leaves may be toxic to poultry (Noble and Rose 2013). Impenetrable thickets are sometimes regarded as shelter for livestock (Barker 2007, pers. comm.).
African Boxthorn is found across southern Australia in agricultural and pastoral areas and waste places around towns and cities. It seems tolerant of most soil types and also some salinity. It is especially abundant in areas of high rainfall. Where its distribution enters drier regions the plants are generally found close to permanent or seasonal water supplies (Haegi 1976). African Boxthorn is generally found in cool to warm temperate areas, subtropical, semi-arid and arid to sub-humid areas (Navie 2004), and is common in all but the northern tropical parts of Australia (Noble and Rose 2013)
Spray FireHawk Bioherbicide Concentrate: 50 mL/L of water. Respray if regrowth occurs. Pull out creepers including roots.
FireHawk Bioherbicide Concentrate - 1L
FireHawk Bioherbicide Ready to Use Spray Mixture - 5L Refill
FireHawk Bioherbicide Concentrate - 5L
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