Bryophyllum delagoense
Mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum species) is a drought hardy succulent garden plant. It rapidly produces tiny plant-lets that quickly form new colonies.
As the name suggests, mother of millions reproduces rapidly, producing hundreds of tiny plantlets which quickly form new colonies. It is adapted to dry conditions and can survive long periods of drought. This increases the plant's potential to persist and spread. Mother of millions is toxic when ingested by livestock; it is also poisonous to humans and household pets.
Mother of millions, hybrid mother of millions and resurrection plant are all poisonous when ingested. The toxic effects of these plants are due mainly to bufadienolides which cause heart failure. The toxins are present in all parts of the plant however, flowers are five times more poisonous than the leaves and stems.
Mother of millions is also toxic to humans and household pets with dogs being particularly susceptible. It is unlikely that humans or pets would eat enough plant material to become poisoned. However, because mother of millions can be found in many gardens, the likelihood of human or pet poisoning is increased.
Mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum delagoense) is regarded as a significant environmental weed in Queensland and New South Wales, a minor environmental weed in Western Australia, and a potential environmental the Northern Territory. It is probably of most concern in southern and central Queensland, and was recently ranked as the third most important environmental weed in south-eastern Queensland. It is actively managed by community groups in Queensland and is listed as a priority environmental weed in eight Natural Resource Management regions throughout eastern Australia. In New South Wales it is currently of concern in coastal districts and in inland regions in the north of the state.
This species is well adapted to dry environments and able to survive droughts. It forms very large infestations in grasslands and open woodlands in inland regions and spreads down river systems during flood events. In inland central Queensland, near Dingo, mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum delagoense) is competing with and replacing the native herbs that make up the diet of the endangered nail-tailed wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata). At Mungle Creek, in northern New South Wales, it has invaded a flora reserve and is interfering with the regeneration of remnant stands of brigalow (Acacia harpophylla), and near Childers, in inland southern Queensland, it is one of four invasive plant species that is impacting on the endangered Isis tamarind (Alectryon ramiflorus ).
It is also very invasive in sandy coastal sites (i.e. on foredunes and islands) and was listed as one of three invasive species that were modifying the vegetation structure on Lady Elliott Island in northern Queensland. Mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum delagoense) was also found to be one of the twelve most invasive ornamental species on the fore dunes of the Sunshine Coast in southern Queensland. Mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum delagoense) is also regarded as a potentially serious weed threat to the Abrolhos Islands, which are located off the coast of Geraldton in Western Australia.
A widely distributed species that is mainly naturalised in the eastern parts of Australia. It is most common in the coastal and sub-coastal regions of Queensland and northern New South Wales. Also present in the inland regions of these states, along the central and southern coasts of New South Wales, in coastal Western Australia, in inland South Australia, in Victoria and on Norfolk Island.
Spray FireHawk Bioherbicide Concentrate: 50 mL/L of water. Respray when regrowth occurs from roots and/or runners. May require repeated application to obtain long-term weed control.

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